Information about Visiting Stingray City

The Cayman Islands is one of the most beautiful places to visit. Most people who come to the Cayman Islands can't wait to visit Sting Ray City. There you can find dozens of southern stingrays.

Southern stingrays are graceful, beautiful creatures that are kin to sharks. And there is quite a resemblance, especially in the coloring. Southern stingrays have distinct diamond shaped and can grow to be about four feet in diameter with the females being about a foot wider than the males on average.

Although stingrays are best known for the barbs that they are capable of shooting, southern stingrays are not aggressive animals. When it comes to fight or flight, stingrays prefer flight.

However, the stingrays that populate Stingray City at are very used to people. The southern stingrays in the city are friendly and will even come up and greet people who come in the water. Southern stingrays will even let people touch them and pick them up.

Over a century ago, the area now known as Stingray City used to be port for fisherman. The fisherman would clean their fish on their boats and toss the bits they didn't want overboard. Soon the southern stingrays in the area figured out they come there for free food. That is what started the longstanding friendship between human beings and southern stingrays on Grand Cayman Island. Although the fisherman are gone, divers and swimmers continue to feed the creatures. 

I hate to break it to you but Stingray City isn't a real city. It is an area that is filled with water 12 feet deep and enclosed by an amazing reef. This is a major destination for snorkelers. Stingray City Grand Cayman Sandbar offers much shallower waters that are only about four feet deep. It's a great place to take the kids. Whether at Stingray City or at the bar, there will be tons of stingrays.

The staff will brief you on stingrays upon arriving to Stingray City. Squid is there favorite meal and you can even feed them if you are up to it. If you've ever stuck a vacuum cleaner on your hand, then you know what it feels like to have a southern stingray eating from your hand.  Legend has it that kissing stingrays is good luck.

If you want to venture out into the deep waters and see all of the marine life there, there are many boat tours available. Some tours are merely for sightseeing but some are for deep seeing diving. View more information about stingrays here at